
Février 2023/COMMERCIAL : Le régime protecteur des agents commerciaux en droit français

Les agents commerciaux sont soumis à une règlementation particulière prévue dans les articles L134-1 s. du code de commerce, qui les protège dans leurs relations avec les sociétés qu’ils représentent, notamment par rapport aux indemnités de fin de contrat.

Cet article a été publié par la Chambre de commerce du Brésil en France au Le régime protecteur des agents commerciaux en droit français – (


Avril 2021/COMMERCIAL:  La sécurisation des paiements des clients : outils d’évaluation et cautionnement

Les entreprises disposent d’un éventail de dispositifs permettant la sécurisation des paiements de leurs clients et d’autres débiteurs. Des plus simples et faciles à mettre en oeuvre aux plus sophistiqués, ces dispositifs apportent une sécurité particulièrement appréciée dans la crise économique actuelle provoquée par la pandémie Covid-19.

Chaque entreprise met en oeuvre les outils appropriés en fonction d’une analyse des risques présentés par leurs clients ou autres débiteurs (tels les fournisseurs).

Après avoir revu certains outils d’évaluation, cet article abordera une sureté avec attention : le cautionnement.

Article La sécurisation des paiements des clients v2 avril 2021

Cet article a été publié à “La grande bibliothèque du droit” du barreau de Paris en mai 2021, au La sécurisation des paiements des clients : outils d’évaluation et cautionnement (fr) – La GBD.


December 2020/CORPORATE:  Top 7 legal considerations for shareholder in French company

If you are (or are going to become) a shareholder in a French company, there are legal issues that you must consider, regardless of the size of the company, the nature of its activity, and the amount of your investment. These legal considerations are valid whether you are starting your own company, or buying shares in an existing company with other shareholders.

Practical guide on Top 7 Legal Considerations for shareholder in French company v3 Dec 2020


Décembre 2020/CONTRATS:  La validité des contrats et signatures
électroniques en droit français

Les entreprises utilisant de plus en plus les outils pour la signature électronique des contrats, elles ont intérêt à vérifier que les outils utilisés répondent aux exigences légales en droit français pour la validité des contrats et signatures électroniques.

Ces exigences sont, en partie, définies au niveau de l’Union européenne, qui a créé un cadre juridique pour les signatures électroniques défini par le Règlement (UE) no 910/2014 du parlement européen et du conseil du 23 juillet 2014.

La validité des contrats électroniques est un sujet d’actualité, compte tenu de l’augmentation du contentieux relatif aux documents et signatures électroniques.

Cet article a été publié par la commission juridique de la Chambre de commerce du Brésil en France dans son bulletin juridique le 01 décembre 2020:


October 2020/CONTRACTS:  Enforceability of electronic contracts and signatures under French law

As companies increasingly use electronic contracting tools, they should analyze whether the tools being used satisfy French legal requirements for enforceability of electronic contracts and signatures.  Enforceability of electronic contracts is of particular importance, in light of the growth in litigation involving electronic documents and signatures.  This article discusses the enforceability of electronic contracts and signatures under French law, with a focus on the legal framework created by EU law on electronic signatures.  A questionnaire appears at the end of this article, as a practical aid for companies to assess the compliance of their electronic contracting service providers.

Article enforceability of electronic contracts v1 Oct 2020

This article was also published in “La grande bibliothèque du droit” of the Paris bar in October 2020, at


November 2019/CORPORATE:  Foreign investments control regime in France: reinforced sanctions and tighter controls under PACTE law following new EU regulation

Foreign investments control was a hot topic on the European and French legislative agenda for 2019.  At European level, concerns over the adequacy of the current control regimes of EU member states led to the adoption of a new EU regulation setting a framework for foreign investments control and creating a cooperation mechanism among the European commission and member states.  In France, PACTE law has brought about reinforced sanctions and tighter administrative controls to the foreign investments control regime.

This note provides a general overview of the new EU regulation, followed by an overview of the French foreign investments control regime and the changes effected by PACTE law.

Article Foreign Investments Control in France v5 nov 2019

This article was also published in “La grande bibliothèque du droit” of the Paris bar in November 2019, at


September 2019/CONTRACTS:  Suspend performance or terminate a contract for material breach under US law

During the performance of a contract, a party may find itself in the unhappy position of discovering that its contracting party has failed to perform its contractual obligation.  For example, a buyer of goods discovers that the goods are defective. Or a supplier is not paid in a timely manner by its customer.  This article provides guidance under US law on when a party is entitled to suspend performance or terminate a contract for material breach by the other party.

Article suspension and termination for material breach v9 Sept 2019

This article was also published in “La grande bibliothèque du droit” of the Paris bar in September 2019, at


July 2019/CORPORATE:  PACTE law liberalizes use of preferred shares to encourage financing of companies

Preferred shares of stock are a tool allowing business owners to achieve a number of business objectives, such as raising fresh capital, organizing a succession, or incentivizing employees.  Article 100 of the new PACTE law liberalizes the use of preferred shares, removing a number of prior restrictions on their use, with the aim of encouraging companies to use preferred shares as a tool to raise capital and achieve other objectives.

Article PACTE preferred stock v1 July 2019

This article was also published in “La grande bibliothèque du droit” of the Paris bar in July 2019, at


May 2019/CORPORATE:  PACTE law for growth and transformation of companies modernizes corporate law rules

Doing business in France has just become a little easier.  The French legislature has adopted the PACTE law for the growth and transformation of companies, part of a series of business-friendly reforms lightening constraints so as to encourage small- and medium-sized companies to grow and create jobs. Following a review by the constitutional council, which approved a majority of its provisions , the PACTE law was published on 23 May 2019.

This article discusses PACTE provisions on corporate law:

  • Company registration simplification
  • Unique electronic company register and simplification of declaration procedures
  • Outside auditor (“commissaire aux comptes”) for certification of financial statements

Article PACTE law v5 June 2019

This article was also published in “La grande bibliothèque du droit” of the Paris bar in June 2019, at


February 2019/COMPLIANCE:  New French law Sapin II on anti-corruption programs and whistle-blowing systems (originally written in Oct. 2017) (available upon request)

Companies with a significant presence in France should take note of important new French legislation requiring large companies to implement anti-corruption compliance programs.  The Sapin II Law also requires mid-sized companies to implement whistle-blowing systems to collect and handle reports of compliance violations.  This development represents an important endorsement of compliance programs and their value and importance.